Weight Loss

Talk Your Way Trim – When Blabbing is a Good Thing

By April 30, 2012October 29th, 2014No Comments

Photo Credit: emilyvanwormer on Flickr.com

Do you consider yourself a social butterfly? If not, maybe you should consider becoming one. Studies show that talking burns roughly 50 calories per hour for the average person. Talking should never replace a workout session at the gym, but if you’re deciding what you should do with your time, skip the snacking and chat with a friend or family member.


  • Men burn an average of 6 calories more per hour talking than women
  • People with a higher weight burn an average of 7 calories more per hour than those who weigh less
  • Younger people burn an average of 10-14 calories more per hour than those who are older in age

Research shows that those who workout with partners tend to burn more calories because they are more motivated to keep going and less likely to stop. Factor talking into your exercise plans with your partner, and you can burn the additional calories while simultaneously catching up and enjoying time spent together. The days of thinking the only way to slash calories were painful ways, are over!

Reference: http://www.livestrong.com/article/319364-how-many-calories-do-i-lose-by-talking/

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