In this series, Surprising Ways to Slash 500 Calories, we discuss a variety of ways you can easily eliminate 500 calories from your daily routine resulting in an easy weight loss of one pound per week. You may not even think these food or beverage items “count”, but they do. Our job is to help you in your weight loss goals and even if you were to burn one less calorie day; it would add up over time.
Hiking has been a popular activity since the beginning of time. Taking an uneven path through the far reaches of nature while enjoying fresh air, can easily leave you burning 500 calories or more. In fact, recent studies found that a 150 lb. person could burn up to 560 calories hiking through a hilly area in the wilderness for an hour. The great upside of hiking is that you can do it for hours, because you’re actually enjoy the hiking experience. Most areas offer designated trails for hiking and unless your in the heart of an industrial city, there’s a great chance one is within reasonably driving distance for you!