Photo Credit: GoToBermuda on

Need to lose weight quickly? Or at least make it look like you’ve lost weight? The good thing is that you don’t have to starve yourself to do so. Give these efforts for de-bloating if you want to look and feel your best in no time.

  • Amp up the fiber: Give your metabolism a boost and eat foods high in fiber to avoid constipation. Stick to whole grains, lots of fruits and vegetables, and strive to drink 10 cups of water throughout each day.
  • Eat slowly: Chew your food thoroughly and take your time at the table. The quicker you eat, the more you’ll bloat.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol: Yes, even diet drinks! The fizz can cause gas to fill your stomach. Try this instead.
  • Go easy on the salt: Sodium causes bloating and is usually found in processed foods, which are also typically very low in fiber. Shoot for 1,500 mg or less of sodium per day.
  • Lastly, go outside! Get moving. Aim for at least 30 minutes per day of exercise.
  • Spray tan! A bronzed glow certainly does have slimming effect, so try Mystic Tan or spread on some lotion at home. Just ensure you don’t go bake in the sun. That’ll just leave you ugly red for the moment, with wrinkles, splotches and melanoma in your future.

Making these smart decisions a few days before a big event can leave you looking and feeling much better with no extreme diets necessary. The best part is, continuing to follow these tips will not only work in the short-term, but could result in weight loss over time.


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