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Fitness and Food Quotes Vol. 2: Wacky and Wise Celebrity Statements

By February 9, 2012March 28th, 2022One Comment

“To me, sweat is workout bliss” –Brooke Burke via Fitnessmagazine.com

Yeah, we like sweat too! It shows that you are working hard and even contributes to healthier and better-looking skin. If the winter cold is keeping your skin from being amazing, exercise isn’t the only course of action you can take. Here are some tips to better winter skin or you can eat these foods to get that glowing skin.

“The best diet is the one that you don’t know you are on.” –Chris Powell via Yahoo! Voices

He advises in his book Choose to Lose: The 7-day Carb Cycle Solution that you should make 1 new diet commitment everyday, rather than changing everything at once, a good plan to start a new lifestyle, not a just a diet.

“I do not like broccoli. And I haven’t liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it…and I’m President of the United States and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli.” -George H.W. Bush

When you’re the president, you can make that decision. But for now, stick with broccoli because it is a great source of Vitamin C as well as Iron, Vitamins A and E, and numerous minerals.

“When I’m working 16-hour days and I can’t work out, I get angry very easily. It’s because I’m missing all those good endorphins. For me, exercise equals happiness.”    –Heather Morris via FitnessMagazine.com

As stated in the first Fitness Quotes article, exercise is a stress reliever and is proven to affect mood, energy level, and productiveness. If this Glee star can find time so can you; even a 5-minute workout can change your mood and better your day.

“We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.” -Alfred E. Newman via Squidoo.com/worlds-best-food-quotes

As bad as it sounds, it’s true! Many popular drinks are full of excess sugar, hard-to-pronounce chemicals, preservatives, artificial flavors, and chemical coloring. Look for drinks made with real ingredients that are naturally tasty, like this sassy water recipe. You’ll feel better mentally and physically.

I like to cook with wine; sometimes I even put it in the food.”- Julia Child

“A day without wine is like a day without sunshine.”- Unknown

Wine is ok every now and then, but every night while you cook is excessive. Red wine is known to help with heart conditions, but be careful it often has calories that you may not want.

“I used to feel good walking out of a gym, you know? You don’t want to go, but when you walk out, you feel good about yourself. But I walked out of these training sessions hating that trainer. “ –Chris Evans via AskMen.com

We don’t want to encourage you to start a workout program that you hate. Even though his efforts are commendable because he made a huge transformation the Captain America: The First Avenger movie, this is not a sustainable practice. Evans has been quoted saying that after movie production finished, it took him 3 months before he went to the gym again. Bet he regretted that when it came time for his role in The Avengers… more on that coming soon.

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