Achieving Ultimate FitznessWorkouts

Change your Workouts to Change your Body

By March 9, 2012October 29th, 20144 Comments

Photo Credit: MacUK on

Is your look similar to the Giraffe above? Bored? Are you not getting as sore as you use to after doing your normal routines? There’s a reason for this and it’s called adaptation. Over time, your muscles adapt to motions they’re regularly asked to perform, meaning they have to work less hard than they used to do the same old exercises. Changing your workouts on a regular basis will keep muscles guessing and ensure they constantly have to struggle to keep up. Get out of ruts, do nothing habitually and always shake up your routines.

  • Exercise at various times of the day if you can.
  • Do at least three different types of exercises each week
  • Add something new and drop something old every four weeks
  • Seek out new exercises that work different body parts: Soccer (legs) Boxing (arms)
  • Sign up for new classes whenever possible
  • If something seems hard and leaves you struggling … stick with it!

The more you change your workouts the less chance you have for your body to adapt; change your body by constantly changing your workouts!


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