Photo Credit: Gareth1953 on

People tend to take the word “date” and run with it. However, typically not in literal terms. Protocol for a date in this day in age usually leaves a window of opportunity for two people to get to know one another, simply talk, and enjoy each others company. Most would agree though, that food almost always finds a way to become a part of the equation.

Food can be a nice activity for a twosome to enjoy, but it can also serve as a substance that torments somebody trying to achieve their goal weight. Nobody wants to be the one ordering a side salad when the other person wanted to take them out to try the awesome specialty menu. People trying to watch what they eat might not want to indulge in pizza before a movie if they’ve worked hard all day to make healthful decisions. So what is it about food that has such a hold on the dating scene? Why can’t people go for a walk together for it to be considered a date? We say, instead … plan your dates around fun not food! Aim for activities to make you both belly laugh and lead to a truer bond.  We have compiled a list of some fun, creative date ideas that do not involve a belly-busting menu that leaves you saying, “What’s for dessert?” Not only will you have more control over your health, you and your partner open up doors of opportunity that will allow you to grow closer and learn new things about one another!

  • Play or walk at a park
  • Watch a movie
  • Spontaneous road-trip
  • Roller Skating!
  • Concerts
  • Spend the day on the water
  • Rock climbing wall
  • Hiking
  • Go to a sporting event
  • Bowling
  • Start a project together
  • Theme park
  • Palm reading
  • Go out dancing
  • Window shop
  • Massages
  • Take a class together
  • Stargaze
  • Play to the beach
  • Watch the sunset
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Play catch
  • Do art

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