After the ups and major downs of 2020, many people are looking for 2021 to be a much shinier experience. The best way to do that is to take personal responsibility for yourself, your actions, and your health.

Prioritizing Number One – That’s you!

You may feel a bit selfish at first, but looking after yourself properly will actually improve your ability to look after others. After all, someone who has themselves put together is able to spread that message of hope onto the people around them, and they’re usually much better in a crisis too.

There are so many ways you can start looking after yourself, but it’s important to remember that beauty is not just skin deep. Real changes take a while, but healthy habits will have a dramatic improvement on your life and your lifestyle going forwards.

Build a strong foundation and then continue to lay quality bricks atop as you go!

1.   Hair Care

Strong, shiny hair is a sign of good health and happiness. Whether you prefer it long, short or somewhere in between – a simple routine for cleaning, conditioning, and styling will go a long way.

While Fitz lost her hair to chemo, some people lose it without the chance of a natural return. At, they know first-hand how hair transplants can really boost the self-confidence of the people coming to them for treatment, so for those suffering hair loss, this treatment can be very helpful.

2.  Skincare

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and the one most vulnerable to outside toxins. A clever skincare routine that includes cleansing and moisturizing regularly can help to heal skin complaints and build stronger skin cells, leading to a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles that so many of us face as we age. Protecting your skin from the sun with a daily SPF protectant will help fend off wrinkles, freckles, sun spots, and cancer. Don’t leave home without it.

If you’re not already, it’s time to get serious about skincare.

3.   Start Moving

Did you know that working out releases endorphins that make you feel happy? They’re one of the reasons exercising can be so addictive! Whether you choose to train indoors, outdoors, or at some facility that requires a membership, exercise is the only way to earn a strong, flexible body with great endurance and balance. Exercise will make you more resilient and less likely to become injured. The benefits are endless and as are the consequences for avoiding it. As Fitz says, “Get to work!”


4.   Eat Wisely

It’s been said that we are what we eat and, if you’re filling your body with rubbish food, you’re likely to feel like rubbish too. Learn how to eat the right amounts of the right foods with the Exact Formula for Weight Loss. Quantity matters. Quality matters.


5. Sleep Soundly

Tired people tend to make poor choices. Poor choices with food, exercise, work tasks, and social situations. It’s hard to do well while battling fatigue or full-blown exhaustion. Aim for seven to eight hours a night, and do this by forcing yourself into a dark room with no technology and no risk of interruption. You’ll be shocked by how much better you’ll feel, and how much more productive you’ll be if you’re well rested.

Photo by Mister Mister from Pexels


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