Fit Food and Recipes

5 Foods that Help you Recover Faster from Sickness

By February 8, 2012October 29th, 20142 Comments

Photo Credit: julia_lynn on


If you have the sniffles, a cough, or even the flu, you’re not alone. According to the CDC, flu season usually peaks around January or February each year.  There are numerous ways you can try to prevent getting sick, but you can’t be 100% successful. If you find yourself feeling “under the weather,” don’t worry. There are lots of foods you can eat to help your body fight the sickness and get you back to good health.

Whole Grains are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including zinc, which can aid in boosting the power of your immune system. You have many options now-a-days to get whole grains, bread, crackers, cereal, rice, etc.

Fluids, of course, are a necessity when you’re sick. They help to flush out toxins and keep your body hydrated while it’s in overdrive trying to fight the sickness. Stay away from caffeinated and sugary beverages; try tea, water, or soup.

Yogurt is not only a good source of vitamins but the probiotics help support a healthy digestive system and may soothe an upset stomach. Try making a small parfait by getting neutral flavor (original or vanilla) then adding fresh fruit (berries or oranges) to get the added Vitamin C.

Salmon is a great source of Omega-3s, which is mainly known to support heart health, however Omega-3s aid in the production of white blood cells too. It is also a good source of protein with a lower fat content than that of beef or poultry choices. My favorite is smoked salmon on a piece of whole grain toast.

Spinach is a good source of Vitamins, A and E, which aid in the production of white blood cells that fend off viruses, sickness, and even cancer. It also contains vitamin B6 which can be effective in treating nausea. Try adding spinach leaves to your soup or on your toast with smoked salmon.

It is also important to get plenty of rest when sick. But if you’re only slightly under the weather, you may still be able to get a mild workout to give you more energy to get through your day.




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