Losing weight may be a struggle for most. The dedication and motivation is sometimes hard to find, which may impede a consistent workout schedule. That being said, some turn to cheating tactics that may cause more harm to the body than good. These tactics include, but not limited to starvation, purging, relying on supplements, and detox plans.


Cutting calories is an ideal way to lose weight quickly and effectively. Consuming not enough calories, however, will be detrimental to the losing weight process. An inadequate intake of calories causes muscle loss and a lower metabolism. Your body is not retaining any of the vital nutrients, which may cause serious illness. According to the Toledo Center for Eating Disorders, starvation destroys the body’s physiological functions, resulting in a lower heart rate, temperature and respiration (2021). As the body does not receive the proper amount of calories, it will begin eating away the existing fat and muscles that already exist. While you may feel thinner, your body is losing muscle mass as a result. A good rule of thumb is to not drop your caloric intake below 1,200 each day.


No form of purging is good and should not be given a thought. Whether it relates to all out madness for a night or health reasons, purging is one tactic that should always be avoided. Purging is when an individual purposely causes themselves to vomit after meals. According to the Healthline, constant vomiting can cause tooth decay and enamel erosion, as well as serious fatigue and weakness (2019). This type of behavior is extremely unsafe and poses many risks. Your body needs to eat and drink to thrive and operate at its fullest potential. Purging eliminates all vital nutrients and fluid loss, causing dehydration and imbalance of electrolytes. Do not purge to get that desired thin waistline. Drink and eat thoroughly to get the results you yearn for.

Relying on Supplements:

Using prescription drugs for sound health reasons is one thing. But the use of supplements is a whole other and should not be involved in the process of losing weight. Over the counter supplements do not require statements by drug companies on their safety and effectiveness. Pretty much, you are assuming the risks of taking them and the results could hinder any progression. Not all supplements are FDA approved and regulated. The ones that claim to be natural are just as dangerous as the unnatural ones. According to ACE Healthy LIving, the ingredients in some supplements are unknown and not active, reinforcing the idea to stay away from them (2017). Something even scarier to know is some of the supplements are viewed as ‘tainted weight loss products.’

Detox Plans:

Detoxes are primarily effective due to the loss of excess water and stool The cons, however, outweigh the pros of detoxing as a means of weight loss. According to MD Anderson Cancer Center, cleansing is effective at first, but extremely hard to maintain (2016). Additionally, detoxing leads to health conditions, such as dehydration. For safer results, drink plenty of fluids and consume foods that are high in fiber to yield the same results in a healthier fashion.

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