Pushing yourself is a vital component for staying motivated in your workouts and all aspects of your life. However, it’s important not to get carried away. Whether you want to believe it or not, your body will only become faster and stronger by incorporating some R&R into your routine. And if you listen closely, your body will tell you when it’s overworked and needs a day to recuperate. Committing to essential rest will allow your muscles to repair themselves and likely save you from silly injuries. Listen to your body and yield to its pleas when you’ve done enough.

  1. You’re Tired

This may seem like an obvious one, but sleep is the best medicine for overworked muscles. Essentially, overworking leads to overstimulation of your central nervous system which will make it harder to fall asleep at night. If you are experiencing insomnia or sleep disturbances, take time to get some good quality rest that your body needs in order to become stronger.

  1. You’re Moody

Completing a tough workout is one of the best feelings in the world. That feeling of accomplishment is typically missing when you are overworked. Instead, when you are overworked, you can cringe at the thought of exercising. It can make taking the steps to begin a workout feel daunting. If you are experiencing moods outside your norm, take a day for yourself and hit the gym when you are feeling excited about it.

  1. You’re Always Sore

With a tough workout comes sore muscles, but there is a difference in being sore from a strenuous workout and sore to the point of misery. If you are having trouble with everyday activities, such as walking down the stairs or bending down to tie your shoes, this could be a sign that you need to rest and recover.


Image by Victor Freitas from Pexels

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