Ever see someone do something totally offensive in a public locker room?  If not, you probably haven’t been in one in a while.  Don’t be the perpetrator of locker room faux pas.  Locker rooms are great if they’re used appropriately, if not … they can be disgusting cesspools of bacteria and offensive behavior. Follow these 15 rules, though, and you can avoid any pitfalls.

  1. Don’t ever steal deodorant, soap, towels, or other personal hygiene items.  Don’t steal any items of course, but “borrowing” someone’s deodorant because you forgot yours is not acceptable.  Wait until you get home if you forget something.
  2. Using the hand dryer to blow dry your crotch or armpit is unacceptable.  I mean, it’s called a hand-dryer for a reason, ladies and gents!
  3. Never bend over naked if someone is sitting on a bench behind you.  We are all trying to get showered, dressed, and out the door quickly, but you’ve got to make sure no one is behind you before you bend over to pull on your boxers or underwear.
  4. Don’t leave your nasty clothes strewn all over the place. Soaked with sweat from your awesome workout or drenched in pool water, always tie up those clothes in plastic bags right away.
  5. Don’t go barefoot. Locker room floors are damp, full of human goo, and flourishing with bacteria. Wear flip-flops in the shower and when changing to avoid warts, athlete’s foot, and other nasty locker room foot fungus!
  6. Never leave your hair strewn on shower walls or in the drain.  We all shed hair, but leaving it out for everyone to see and deal with is repulsive.
  7. Stop spreading out! Taking up too much personal space is sort of rude.  You aren’t at home, so don’t make yourself at home.  Be respectful to others and use a reasonable amount of space without overdoing it.  A locker, a spot on the bench, and the floor around the bench are a safe amount of space to use.
  8. Never leave your valuables unlocked in a locker while you work out. People steal stuff from lockers regularly, even in fancy gyms. Thieves will steal your keys, wallet, sneakers, jacket, and even stinky socks! Bring a lock with you, leave the valuables in the trunk of your car, or keep them with you while you train.
  9. Don’t ever stare.  It’s rude in normal circumstances, but while others change, staring makes everyone uncomfortable and is downright disrespectful. We all make a non-verbal agreement to act like adults and accept nudity in the locker room. Please don’t make it an even more uncomfortable situation.
  10. Wash your hands!  It should go without saying, but if you use the bathroom, please wash your hands.  There are enough germs from the workout equipment, weight-lifting gloves, and sweaty sneakers.  Do your part to try to keep your hands clean.
  11. Sprinkle when you tinkle? Be a sweetie and wipe the seatie! If you use the bathroom and sprinkle a little on the seat, it’s not enough to just flush.  You need to take toilet paper and wipe off the seat.  Clean up after yourself so the facilities stay sanitary.
  12. Avoid using your cell phone in the locker room.  Not only do we want to avoid hearing your annoying conversations echoing through the bathroom walls, but most cell phones now have cameras.  Be mindful and respectful that people are naked and changing, so your phones should stay put away.
  13. Do your business, and then get on your way.  The locker room is not a hang-out spot, and there is no need to loiter.  Undress, shower, dress, and move on.  Don’t make it more crowded or awkward than the locker room already is!
  14. Don’t pee in the shower.  Eww. Eww. Eww. There are toilets for that, and urine should not be in the shower stalls.  Maybe it’s okay when you do it at home, but tons of other people need to use these facilities.
  15. Finally, don’t sit on the locker room benches naked. Want those nasty locker room germs on your pink parts? We don’t think so. Think about what that bacteria does to your feet, and then think about what it’ll do to those. Plus – no one else wants contact with your junk. No, thank you. If you need to sit while you dress, ensure you are wrapping a towel around you and sitting on the towel.

If you see someone else being inappropriate or rude in the locker room, maybe forward him or her this article so they get the point!

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