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The basic principal of weight loss is simple: burn more calories than you consume. The application is sometimes easier said than done. Traditionally, this is achieved by increasing exercise (burning more calories) and eating a lower calorie diet (consuming fewer calories). This is a great start, but unfortunately many still find themselves unable to close the calorie gap. Here are some tricks to help rev up your body’s metabolism and get this powerful tool working for you.
- Add muscle: Research has found that one additional pound of lean muscle can increase a person’s metabolic rate 35-50 calories per day. That means by adding just 5 pounds of muscle to your frame you’re burning an extra 175 calories per day. This metabolic increase can equate to some serious fat loss over time.
- Start your day off moving: Whether it’s walking or weights, start your day off with some form of exercise. This will wake you up and give your metabolism a jump-start.
- Spicy food: Capsaicin, an ingredient in red chili peppers, has been found to raise metabolic rate after consumption.
- Drink more water: Your body needs water to function properly. A well hydrated body will raise your metabolic rate.
- Eat Breakfast: Going long periods of time without food triggers your body into hoard mode. With no fuel in the stomach the body’s natural reaction is to operate more efficiently by slowing its metabolic rate (energy burning). After a long night with no food, not eating breakfast will only make this worse.
- Eat More: This doesn’t refer to the overall number of calories, but how you divide those calories throughout the day. 5-6 smaller meals will keep your metabolism working all day.
- Eat more protein: The body uses twice the energy to digest protein than fats, or carbohydrates. This will also aid in adding lean muscle.
- Lower stress: Stress raises cortisol which can decrease your metabolism and cause your body to store excess fat.
- Sleep: A good night sleep will lower cortisol level and increase your metabolism.
- Drink Tea: Green tea has been shown to increase the body’s metabolism without overloading it with caffeine. It’s also loaded with antioxidants which fight free radicals in the body.